After a month…

May 5, 2007

Thanks so much for always dropping by this blog. It starts from 0 to more than 50 hits/day. It’s not that many but not bad either since it has been born for a month only, and only few are aware of my supervision to this stuff.

Here comes to the end of this thing… As mentioned on the first day, it won’t last that long. Frankly, I learn quite lots from this theme LIFE and LOVE. If not for posting to this blog, I’m sure I will never try to seek for these relevant articles. Hopefully, it’s somehow useful for you all.

Why LIFE and LOVE? It’s because I have seen a rich and prosperous family failed….. At first, they lived happily, financially and academically; however, last few years the family seemed to fade out day by day (not cos of bankrupt, but other things which  I just don’t 1 2 talk more…). Why? I used to ask myself… they are well-educated, rich with a successful business. How can they end up in this situation? That’s when I start to know there are so many things to do for a successful life (not only money, work, study…) But the knowledge/method how to lead our life… And love is an essential part of life ( I don’t only mean romantic LOVE). Only when you love everyone around you, then every action of yours will come out with your careful thinking since you are afraid that it will  ruin your beloved ones. Isn’t it one of encouragements ? Well, live for your own life…however, feeling of living for others is not that bad either…

Sourir(e) = Smile ! I do 1 2 see everyone lives with hope and smile …. 🙂

Good luck,

Tuesdays With Morrie

May 5, 2007


It is the true story of Brandeis University sociology professor, title personage Morrie Schwartz and his relationship with student Mitch Albom. Both the film and the book chronicle the lessons about life that Mitch learns from his professor, who is dying from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Weekend song !

May 5, 2007

How to Maintain Romance

May 5, 2007

There is so much more involved in keeping romance alive than just candles, bubble baths, and foot massages. You each have to work at it in order to maintain and enjoy romance in your life. Here is how to feed the romantic fires in your relationship in a deep and meaningful way.


  1. Tell the truth. Truth is the ultimate aphrodisiac and a great way to create connection with your partner. For example, you might say “I feel safe when I am with you” or “Sometimes I feel scared that we get so busy with other things that we forget about creating close moments together, but I really want to be close with you.” Just share your true feelings and speak from your experience. If you are concealing in your relationship, you will not feel connected, so consider making truth an ongoing priority in your life.
  2. Appreciate yourself and your partner. Appreciation means “to grow in value, or to be sensitively aware of.” Take time to understand just what it is that you like about yourself, and your partner. Saying for example, “I am doing a good job as a parent by taking time to hug the kids in the morning before they go off to school.” or “I really appreciate how dedicated you are to your job.” Successful relationships have a 5 to 1 ratio of appreciations to criticisms, so if you really want to heat up your relationship, start appreciating!
  3. Listen. All humans crave being seen and heard. Being with your partner, and really listening to them can be magical for you both. Often, we want to fix their problems, but it is much more powerful to listen. Saying, “Wow, I can understand you are frustrated.” or “That must have been hard on you.” lets your partner know you’re hearing them.
  4. Create romance within yourself first. We often try to “get” our partners to be more romantic by believing we need to change them in order to have what we want. The truth is that you are much more likely to have what you want when ‘you’ show up in that way. For example, create your own romantic mood–dress, put on music, prepare sensuous foods, take some time to love and appreciate yourself. It will not take long for your partner to join in the fun!
  5. Ask for what you want. Let your partner know that you are deeply interested in spending some romantic time with them (You would be surprised at how often they are unaware of this.) Whining, demanding, and manipulating are contrary to creating romance, so do your best to ask using kind and loving words.
  6. Bring play back into your relationship. Levity is a sexy thing. If you are stuck in thoughts of how much housework you have to do, or that you might wake the kids, more than likely you will not feel romantic. Laugh about the ways that you take your self out of a romantic mood, and soon, you will be back in it.
  7. Speak your partner’s love language. We often become confused and disappointed by expecting the other person to do such and such romantic things. Do to your partner the things they like as well as you telling them what ‘you’ like, want, and expect. When you fulfill their needs and desires, you will end up receiving the same in return!


  • Communicate with your partner about what each of you wants in the area of romance, without making the other person feel wrong for their desires. One may want less romance, the other may want more, however by communicating, each can have what they want, it just may not look the way you think it is supposed to. For example, how could you create a romantic evening just for yourself? (This is a really powerful step to creating a life of joy!)
  • Portions of this article are based on the works of Drs. Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks


  • Many couples will subconsciously create an argument just when there is an opportunity for romance. This happens because we have conditioned ourselves to avoid intimate connection. We are afraid of being hurt when we are most open and vulnerable, thus we shut down without even realizing we are doing it. When this happens, take notice, without judging yourself or your partner. Instead try once more to spark a connection by using the steps above.
  • Being sarcastic with the one you love is not romantic or funny.

from : ici

Words of the day…

May 5, 2007

“How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?”
— Albert Einstein


May 4, 2007

I got from one of my friends several months ago… … Is it true love or just responsibility?

Just a doubt: Why didn’t he give only 1 eye to the girl?

Words of the day…

May 4, 2007

Most of us cling to a romantic view of love. We expect the passions of courtship to last forever. We forget that love isn’t something we have or feel, but something we do. In committing to someone” for better or worse,” we agree to actively participate in creating  a caring, supportive partnership– and not to bolt whenever we’re restless or bored.

Ask any long-married couple if they’ve ever had doubts. If they’re honest, they’ll tell you about times they nearly separated–or did–and a thousand other times they felt angry, or hurt, or full of regrets. But they’ll also tell you what sustained them in tough times: the sex, maybe, or separate vacations; their faith, or their children; a sense of humor, or a foundation of trust and respect. True love includes all that.

” There’s no formula for finding HAPPINESS or LOVE that LASTS. Each PERSON, each COUPLE must arrive at their own CALCULUS.”

from: HAPPINESS by Joan Duncan Oliver

Words of the day…

May 3, 2007

” Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done, and worry about what might be done.”

Wayne W. Dyer

Tips for Business conversation

May 3, 2007


In the course of climbing the corporate ladder, or of just managing the little corner of the world you occupy, you have to communicate with people. It’s not always easy, but you have to do it.

Some of this communication amounts to simple conversation, and it’s been dawning on me for a long time now that a great many young people don’t know how to have one. In fact, a great many older people don’t know how to have a conversation, either.

Read the whole document here

Words of the day…

May 2, 2007

” Try viewing everyone who comes into your life as a teacher.”

Wayne W. Dyer